Do you want to master the new Messages App in Apple’s latest mobile operating system, iOS 10?
Then this super guide is for you.
The upgraded Messages app in iOS 10 is probably the biggest change Apple has brought to its latest mobile operating system.
Now, the Messages App in iOS 10 feels more exciting and perhaps it should with additions such as animations, bubbles, and stickers.
However, as with the rest of the features in iOS 10, it is a little less than apparent how to make use of all the features that Apple is offering through the Messages app in iOS 10.
If you don’t want to spend countless hours in figuring out the Messages app in iOS 10 then you should read ahead and find out the latest Messages app features available for all iOS 10 users.
Let’s dig into it.
Do You Want To Add Special Effects Such as Bubbles and Screens to Your Messages?
Of course, the answer is yes. The new or rather upgraded Messages app in iOS 10 allows users to add effects to their messages. Users can send animated message bubbles along with a completely animated screen to their friends and family.
If you want to incorporate the same type of the effects in your messages then pay attention to the following steps in order.
First, write out, or rather type out your complete message (i.e the message you want to send to the receiver).
After that, perform a hard press on the up arrow that is located next to your message. If you have a device older than the iPhone 6S, then you’ll need to make use of the long-press button instead of the hard-press function.
If you have followed the above procedure correctly then you should be able to see a list of available animations. You can add each of these animations to your bubbles.
Here is the list of bubbles that are at your disposal:
- Gentle: The main function of this animation is that it makes your message smaller in size.
- Loud: In contrast to Gentle, the loud animation actually makes your message bigger.
- Slam: Making use of this animation style will slam your message bubble on the smartphone’s screen.
- Invisible Ink : This animation essentially hides the message that is sent to the receiver. It requires from the person receiving the message to swipe on the message bubble in order to reveal the contents of the sent message. Pretty neat right?
But that’s not all. To utilize even more features, you can tap the Screen tab that is located on the top of your mobile’s screen and you’ll be shown the full-screen version of these animations.
If you want do, and of course, you want to because otherwise why did you get the iOS 10 in the first place, then you can also swipe your fingers to the left of the screen to cycle between animations such as a full-screen version of confetti, shooting star, fireworks, balloons and lasers.
Do bear in mind though that the Message app in iOS 10 doesn’t allow you to send bubble effects and full-screen effects at the same time.
In other words, you need to select your animation, full-screen ones or non-fullscreen ones, with a bit of care and common sense.
But what happens if you send these animations (which have been introduced for the first time in iOS 10) to someone who isn’t or rather hasn’t upgraded to iOS 10?
Well, if you do end up sending one of your animated messages to someone who doesn’t have iOS 10, then the receiving person at the other end of the message will only see a weird description of the effect that you sent.
For example, if you send a message animated with invisible ink to someone whose device doesn’t support iOS 10 animations, then the receiver will only see something like “(sent with Invisible Ink).” along with the original message.
And since a lot of people (who live on this planet) don’t have iPhones or rather won’t have iPhone smartphones because they’re so in love with their Android devices, then they won’t be able to take part in your shiny new iOS 10 animations.
Also keep in mind that not everyone has an Apple iPhone 6S or later, so be careful in using animations in your messages or you might have to spend quite a bit of time getting out of awkward situations.
If You Want To Handwrite a Message Then The New Mobile Operating System From Apple, iOS 10, Can do That With The Help Of The Message App
Some of us are just old timers who still want to write messages with their own hands and in their own handwriting without the realization that post offices have long been put out of business (well maybe not all of them) by technologies such as online text messaging.
If you’re one of those users (and own an iPhone with iOS 10 on it, of course) then the new mobile operating system from Apple, iOS 10, allows you to send your messages in your own handwriting.
In other words, the iOS 10 supports handwritten messages.
However, this potentially wonderful feature has been neatly tucked away in the corner and hence most Apple smartphone users are completely unaware of its existence.
But don’t you worry, we’ll describe the exact process here. It’s pretty short so don’t’ sweat it too much.
- First, you need to open up the Messages app on your Apple smartphone device.
- When you have done that then you need to rotate your smartphone so that it automatically enters the landscape mode
- When that’s done, then you must tap the wavy and twisting button that is located in the bottom right corner of your mobile’s screen.
- Then simply write (yes, write and not type) out your desired message with the help of your fingers.
- After you have written your entire message that you want to send, tap the send button.
- If you have followed the above steps correctly then the receiver at the other end should see a message that is written in your own handwriting.
But the Messages app in iOS 10 has made a habit of over-delivering. If for some peculiar reason you don’t want to write a message with your own hands but do want to send a message that looks like it has been handwritten by you, then you can select from a list of stock messages as well.
You might be wondering, what happens when you send a handwritten message to someone that is also using iOS 10 on his Apple device (most probably an iPhone 6S)?
Well, the good news is that if the receiver of your message in on an Apple device that supports iOS 10 animations feature then that receiver will be able to see the message in a form of animation and it will look like (to the receiver) as if you’re writing the message yourself in front of the receiver.
You might have already guessed the bad news. What happens if the person on the receiving end of your animated message isn’t using an Apple device that supports iOS 10 animation?
Well, if that’s the case then your message will be sent as a boring old image.
Not bad but not swell either.
Did You Know That in iOS 10 You Can Send A Digital Touch Message? Not Only That You Can Also Sketch And Draw On Top Of Your Photos
As mentioned before, the iOS 10 is overflowing with new features for its Messages app. If for some reason you weren’t that impressed with the handwritten messages feature in iOS 10 Messages app, then maybe this next bit will finally convince you that the Messages App in iOS 10 is simply amazing.
Apart from the handwritten messages, iOS 10 also allows users to make use of an entirely new section of features. These are called the Digital Touch feature.
If you want to know how to get Digital Touch working for your messages in iOS 10, then follow these steps in order and rather carefully. But since the process is so simple, you probably don’t need to be that careful.
- First, hit that arrow button that is located on the left side of the text box in your iOS 10 Messages app.
- When that’s done, you need to tap the heart icon that appears on the screen.
- After that, it’s probably best to tap the up arrow button that is located in the bottom right corner of the screen. This will expand the Message app to full-screen and you can always do more with more room on a mobile’s screen.
Once you have followed the three steps described above correctly, the iOS 10 Messages app will give you several options.
You can either draw a little sketch in the black box directly or do something else with it. If you want to draw the sketch then know that, just as was the case with handwritten messages, this feature will actually show itself as an animation when the receiver of this message views it.
In other words, the receiver will see the sketch as if you were drawing it live in front of him/her.
But that’s not the only way to make use of Digital Touch feature in iOS 10 Messages app.
You can also utilize the Digital Touch messages by the use of gestures. Yes, the Messages app in iOS 10 allows users to use the same black canvas to draw with the help of gestures.
The interesting part about sending Digital Touch messages with gestures is that the message will be sent automatically and immediately after you’re done with the gesture.
In other words, it does not require you to actually press the send button in order to send your message. Be careful out there.
Here is a little guide for you so that you can understand the gesture option in Digital Touch messages.
- Tap: As the name suggests, if you want to send a little tap animation then simply tap with one finger on the screen.
- Kiss: to make a kiss gesture, simply tap on the black canvas with two fingers and the app will automatically send a kiss to the receiver.
- Fireball: to send a fireball animation to the person at the other end of the message, simply perform a long press on the black canvas area
- Heartbeat: If you want to send a heartbeat animation then simply tap and hold the screen with two fingers.
- Heartbreak: This one is slightly complicated so pay close attention. If you want to send an animation of a breaking heart to the receiver of your Digital Touch message then first you’ll need to tap and hold the screen with two fingers.
After that, you’ll need to drag down on the screen to finish off your heartbreaking animation.
Just hang on for a bit longer because there is more.
The Messages app in iOS 10 also allows you to sketch on top of your photos and live videos in the same menu.
If you want to do that then just tap the video icon and you’ll be taken to the screen.
When you get there, you should be able to draw on top of the smartphone’s camera before or during the recording of a video.
This feature also enables users to snap a photo. To do that, simply press the photo button that is located on the left side of the screen and then draw on top of the photo.
You can also add supplemental content such as heartbeats, kisses and many other gestures to your photos and videos.
We have already described the process for that. But just for clarity’s sake, follow the guide for using gestures earlier in the article.
Again, you need to be careful about not leaving your mobile’s screen idle for more than 20 seconds.
Because if you do then after about 20 seconds the Messages app in iOS 10 will automatically send the photo or the drawing you made on that video to its intended receiver.
And just that we’re on the same page, all Digital Touch messages in the Messages app get sent as videos or images to people who are using smartphone devices that aren’t iOS 10 compatible.
That might not seem like a big deal if you’re sending customized videos but, for example, if you send a single gesture such as a fireball or a heartbeat, then it will get sent as a single image to the receiver.
And without the animations, a fireball or a heartbeat isn’t that entertaining to look it.
Stay tuned for more iOS 10 Messages App cool features and gestures.
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