Pokemon Go monsters are an annoying bunch. However, they can be considerably less irritating if you know their spawn rates
The Pokemon Go community has finally come up with a supremely helpful fan chart that details the Spawn Rates of different Pokemon Go monsters in the augmented reality mobile video game.
Pokemon Go is essentially a broken game. Okay, maybe that is a bit too harsh.
Let’s just say that Pokemon Go is an augmented reality mobile video game that has a lot of broken features such as its awful tracking system, it’s irritating Poke Gyms and disturbingly difficult PokeBall throwing system.
One other feature of Pokemon Go that is still a mystery is Pokemon Go monster spawn rates.
Spawn rates, as the term suggests basically lets you know which monster would spawn at a specific location with what frequency.
In other words, what are the chances of a Pikachu appearing in a distant patch of some grassy area?
Or maybe some Pokemon Go player only wants to know how often he/she would encounter Mr.Mime?
Well, we’ll give you no spoiler warning and will flat out tell you that the chance of any Pokemon Go player coming across a Mr.Mime is 0.0031% of the time.
That is, the chances of you bumping into a Mr.Mime is way lower than “most of the time”; it is actually 0.0031% of the time that you play Pokemon Go augmented reality mobile video game on your Android or iOS.
Pokemon Go Hub recently published a Pokemon Go spawn rate chart which their team put together by using over 100 million data points from a third-party Pokemon tracking application PokeRadar.
The team used Poke Radar’s “prediction algorithm dataset” and generated a chart that detailed the spawn rates for most of the Pokemon Go monsters in Pokemon Go augmented reality mobile video game.
In their own words, the Pokemon Go spawn rate chart is highly accurate.
With that said, because Pokemon Go has been designed in a such a way that Pokemon spawn rates vary depending on the location of each Pokemon Go player, the PoGo(Pokemon Go) spawn rate chart’s dataset doesn’t necessarily demonstrate a PoGo player’s specific location based Pokemon spawning frequency.
However, just by looking at the chart anyone can appreciate the work that was put into gathering the average spawn rates for different PoGo monsters.
And it’s not like the chart is boring or anything. In fact, the PoGo spawn rate chart is pretty interesting once one starts to think about the numbers in terms of gameplay experience.
For example, a PoGo player can expect to encounter a Kabuto out of every thousand Pokemon that he/she bumps into.
Moreover, Peak Growlithe Pokemon strikes at 3:57 am.
And Psyduck’s spawn rate is around 2.54% even though some areas have experienced a ton of Psyduck spawns. With that said, there have also been reports of Psyduck being extremely hard to find in some locations.
In other words, the average spawn rates are exactly that: average spawn rates. The actual spawn rate of a particular PoGo monster in your area may be completely different than what is listed in the PoGo spawn chart.
But it never hurts to have an estimation of spawn rates so one can prepare in advance for the amount of effort required to sight and catch a particular PoGo monster.
The PoGo spawn rate chart lists almost all critters according to their individual spawn chance, acreage spawns per 10,000 Pokemon and most active Pokemon spawn times.
So if you’re on of those PoGo masters who are still slogging through the game’s terrible and consistently annoying bugs and glitches you might find it helpful to know that Pidgey is just a tiny bit more common than Rattata.
We know, you’re probably not looking for either but it never hurts to confirm one’s suspicions.
The spawn rate chart also shows that if we discount the Legendary PoGo monsters, which are at the moment non-existent in any case, then Dragonite is the rarest PoGo monster of all PoGO monsters.
The Dragonite is closely followed by Charizard, Muk, and Mr.Mime (as was pointed to before).
You might also be interested to know that Gyarados has the same spawn rate as Pokemon Kabutops and female Nidorans are more common than male Nidorans.
Finally, out of every 10,000 monsters that you’ll encounter while playing the augmented reality mobile video game, exactly 21 will be Pikachu.
This chart could prove to be really useful in, at least, motivating PoGo players who might have given up playing the augmented reality mobile video game because of lack of rare Pokemon encounters.
The mere knowledge that other players are likely to be experiencing the same ordeal, sometimes, is all one needs to get back to picking up Pokemon Go again.
Pokemon | Spawn Chance (%) | Avg. Spawns / 10,000 | Spawns Most Active At |
Bulbasaur | 0.69% | 69 | 20:00 |
Ivysaur | 0.042% | 4.2 | 07:00 |
Venasaur | 0.017% | 1.7 | 11:30 |
Charmander | 0.253% | 25.3 | 08:45 |
Charmeleon | 0.012% | 1.2 | 19:00 |
Charizard | 0.0031% | 0.31 | 13:34 |
Squirtle | 0.58% | 58 | 04:25 |
Wartortle | 0.034% | 3.4 | 07:02 |
Blastoise | 0.0067% | 0.67 | 00:06 |
Caterpie | 3.032% | 303.2 | 16:35 |
Metapod | 0.187% | 18.7 | 02:11 |
Butterfree | 0.022% | 2.2 | 05:23 |
Weedle | 7.12% | 712 | 02:21 |
Kakuna | 0.44% | 44 | 02:30 |
Beedrill | 0.051% | 5.1 | 04:50 |
Pidgey | 15.98% | 1,598 | 01:34 |
Pidgeotto | 1.02% | 102 | 01:30 |
Pidgeot | 0.13% | 13 | 01:50 |
Rattata | 13.05% | 1,305 | 01:55 |
Raticate | 0.41% | 41 | 01:56 |
Spearow | 4.73% | 473 | 12:25 |
Fearow | 0.15% | 15 | 01:11 |
Ekans | 2.27% | 227 | 12:20 |
Arbok | 0.072% | 7.2 | 01:50 |
Pikachu | 0.21% | 21 | 04:00 |
Raichu | 0.0076% | 0.76 | 23:58 |
Sandshrew | 1.11% | 111 | 01:58 |
Sandslash | 0.037% | 3.7 | 12:34 |
Nidoran (Female) | 1.38% | 138 | 01:51 |
Nidorina | 0.088% | 8.8 | 07:22 |
Nidoqueen | 0.012% | 1.2 | 12:35 |
Nidoran (Male) | 1.31% | 131 | 01:12 |
Nidorino | 0.083% | 8.3 | 09:02 |
Nidoking | 0.017% | 1.7 | 12:16 |
Clefairy | 0.92% | 92 | 03:30 |
Clefable | 0.012% | 1.2 | 03:29 |
Vulpix | 0.22% | 22 | 13:43 |
Ninetails | 0.0077% | 0.77 | 01:32 |
Jigglypuff | 0.39% | 39 | 08:46 |
Wigglytuff | 0.018% | 1.8 | 12:28 |
Zubat | 6.52% | 652 | 12:28 |
Golbat | 0.42% | 42 | 02:15 |
Oddish | 1.02% | 102 | 03:58 |
Gloom | 0.064% | 6.4 | 11:33 |
Vileplume | 0.0097% | 0.97 | 23:58 |
Paras | 2.36% | 236 | 01:42 |
Parasect | 0.074% | 7.4 | 01:22 |
Venonat | 2.28% | 228 | 02:31 |
Venomoth | 0.072% | 7.2 | 23:40 |
Diglett | 0.40% | 40 | 02:22 |
Dugtrio | 0.014% | 1.4 | 12:37 |
Meowth | 0.86% | 86 | 02:54 |
Persian | 0.022% | 2.2 | 02:44 |
Psyduck | 2.54% | 254 | 03:41 |
Golduck | 0.087% | 8.7 | 23:06 |
Mankey | 0.92% | 92 | 12:52 |
Primeape | 0.031% | 3.1 | 12:33 |
Growlithe | 0.92% | 92 | 03:57 |
Arcanine | 0.017% | 1.7 | 03:11 |
Poliwag | 2.19% | 219 | 03:40 |
Poliwhirl | 0.13% | 13 | 09:14 |
Poliwrath | 0.011% | 1.1 | 01:32 |
Abra | 0.42% | 42 | 04:30 |
Kadabra | 0.027% | 2.7 | 11:25 |
Alakazam | 0.0073% | 0.73 | 12:33 |
Machop | 0.49% | 49 | 01:55 |
Machoke | 0.034% | 3.4 | 10:32 |
Machamp | 0.0068% | 0.68 | 02:55 |
Bellsprout | 1.15% | 115 | 04:10 |
Weepinbell | 0.072% | 7.2 | 09:45 |
Victreebel | 0.0059% | 0.59 | 12:19 |
Tentacool | 0.81% | 81 | 03:20 |
Tentacruel | 0.082% | 8.2 | 23:36 |
Geodude | 1.19% | 119 | 12:40 |
Graveler | 0.071% | 7.1 | 04:53 |
Golem | 0.0047% | 0.47 | 12:16 |
Ponyta | 0.51% | 51 | 02:50 |
Rapidash | 0.011% | 1.1 | 04:00 |
Slowpoke | 1.05% | 105 | 07:12 |
Slowbro | 0.036% | 3.6 | 02:56 |
Magnemite | 0.71% | 71 | 04:04 |
Magneton | 0.023% | 2.3 | 15:25 |
Farfetch’d | 0.0212% | 2.12 | 01:09 |
Doduo | 0.52% | 52 | 05:10 |
Dodrio | 0.22% | 22 | 02:12 |
Seel | 0.28% | 28 | 06:46 |
Dewgong | 0.013% | 1.3 | 06:04 |
Grimer | 0.052% | 5.2 | 15:11 |
Muk | 0.0031% | 0.31 | 01:28 |
Shellder | 0.52% | 52 | 07:39 |
Cloyster | 0.015% | 1.5 | 02:33 |
Gastly | 0.79% | 79 | 04:21 |
Haunter | 0.052% | 5.2 | 00:10 |
Gengar | 0.0067% | 0.67 | 03:55 |
Onix | 0.10% | 10 | 01:18 |
Drowzee | 3.21% | 321 | 01:51 |
Hypno | 0.10% | 10 | 02:17 |
Krabby | 2.12% | 212 | 03:33 |
Kingler | 0.062% | 6.2 | 03:44 |
Voltorb | 0.65% | 65 | 04:36 |
Electrode | 0.02% | 2 | 04:10 |
Exeggcute | 0.78% | 78 | 09:09 |
Exeggutor | 0.014% | 1.4 | 12:34 |
Cubone | 0.61% | 61 | 01:51 |
Marowak | 0.02% | 2 | 03:59 |
Hitmonlee | 0.02% | 2 | 03:59 |
Hitmonchan | 0.022% | 2.2 | 05:58 |
Lickitung | 0.011% | 1.1 | 02:46 |
Koffing | 0.20% | 20 | 08:16 |
Weezing | 0.016% | 1.6 | 12:17 |
Rhyhorn | 0.63% | 63 | 03:21 |
Rhydon | 0.022% | 2.2 | 05:50 |
Chansey | 0.013% | 1.3 | 04:46 |
Tangela | 0.228% | 22.8 | 23:13 |
Kangaskhan | 0.0086% | 0.86 | 02:40 |
Horsea | 1.13% | 113 | 02:53 |
Seadra | 0.034% | 3.4 | 03:18 |
Goldeen | 2.18% | 218 | 03:14 |
Seaking | 0.08% | 8 | 05:21 |
Staryu | 1.95% | 195 | 22:59 |
Starmie | 0.034% | 3.4 | 06:57 |
Mr. Mime | 0.0031% | 0.31 | 01:51 |
Scyther | 0.14% | 14 | 05:43 |
Jynx | 0.35% | 35 | 05:41 |
Electabuzz | 0.074% | 7.4 | 04:28 |
Magmar | 0.10% | 10 | 20:36 |
Pinsir | 0.99% | 99 | 03:25 |
Tauros | 0.12% | 12 | 00:37 |
Magikarp | 4.78% | 478 | 14:26 |
Gyrados | 0.0032% | 0.32 | 02:15 |
Lapras | 0.006% | 0.6 | 08:59 |
Ditto | 0% | Not yet in game | N/A |
Eevee | 2.75% | 275 | 05:32 |
Vaporean | 0.014% | 1.4 | 10:54 |
Jolteon | 0.012% | 1.2 | 02:30 |
Flareon | 0.017% | 1.7 | 07:02 |
Porygon | 0.012% | 1.2 | 02:49 |
Omanyte | 0.14% | 14 | 10:23 |
Omastar | 0.0061% | 0.61 | 05:04 |
Kabuto | 0.10% | 10 | 00:05 |
Kabutops | 0.0032% | 0.32 | 23:40 |
Aerodactyl | 0.018% | 1.8 | 23:40 |
Snorlax | 0.016% | 1.6 | 23:40 |
Articuno | 0% | Not yet in game | N/A |
Zapdos | 0% | Not yet in game | N/A |
Moltres | 0% | Not yet in game | N/A |
Dratini | 0.30% | 30 | 06:41 |
Dragonair | 0.02% | 2 | 11:57 |
Dragonite | 0.0011% | 0.11 | 23:38 |
Mewtwo | 0% | Not yet in game | N/A |
Mew | 0% | Not yet in game | N/A |
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You Pokemon Go articles are really good. But it would have been better if people could see all of them in one place. Now I have to browser so many other article to find pokemon articles.