To level up your Pokemon monsters, you need stardust. But that’s not all
So you’ve spent the major part of your 24 hours hunting for more powerful Pokemon Go monsters and have come up with a grand total of zero. What do you do next?
Well, the very first thing you need to do is to stop. Stop playing Pokemon Go the way you’re playing it now.
The second thing you need to know in order to catch powerful Pokemon Go monsters is that, the higher your trainer level, the more chances you get of encountering some big, bad and powerful Pokemon Go monster out in the wild.
Raising your trainer level is, hands down, the best method to raise your prospects of bumping into mighty Pokemon Go monster instead of encountering Magikarps all the time.
With that said, it is also true that you can level up at a reasonable speed just by playing Pokemon Go as you’re playing it now.
But who wants to do that? Don’t you want to level up faster and get bigger to encounter more powerful Pokemon in order to take down Poke Gyms and conquer your immediate neighborhood?
If the answer to any of the questions above is a yes then you need to streamline your process of leveling up in Pokemon Go augmented reality mobile video game.
Not only that, you need to extract every inch of experience points you gain in Pokemon Go.
In order to turn your dream of becoming the greatest Pokemon Go player of all time to reality, we have assembled the most crucial steps you need to take right now.
Do Your Best to Earn Bonus XP
Always remember that when you’re playing Pokemon Go augmented reality mobile video game, you get experience points for actions you take while you play the game. You get,
- 500 XP for capturing new Pokemon
- 500 XP for evolving any of your Pokemon Go monsters.
- 200 XP for hatching one of those Pokemon beasts
- 100 XP for capturing another of your Pokemon pets
- 100 XP for an “Excellent Throw”. Yes, that’s actually a thing in Pokemon Go.
- 50 XP for a “Great Throw”
- 10 XP for a “Nice Throw”. In case you didn’t notice, a nice throw is the worst of all throws.
- 10 XP for a “Curveball Throw”
- 50 XP for visiting a Poke Stop.
That may look like one long list of boring chores to perform but we assure you that by having the knowledge of these reward points, you’ll be able to manage your time and your activities in Pokemon Go augmented reality mobile video game much better than before.
You must understand that to increase your trainer level, you need to earn a lot of experience points.
When you complete some tasks or perform some actions in Pokemon Go, the game rewards you with experience points. You can use those experience points to level up as a trainer.
That was the easy part though.There are other special criteria actions that you can take in order to earn some supplementary experience points on top of your regular experience points.
If you care enough take a closer look at the list we just mentioned above, you will notice that when you catch a new Pokemon, you gain 100 experience points.
But, when you capture a Pokemon you have never caught before, then the game awards you with 500 experience points. A five times increase over your regular experience points.
Knowledge of these special values can prove to be indispensable if you want to increase your efficiency as far as leveling up your trainer goes.
Get Some Lucky Eggs
One of the most useful, if not the most useful, items in Pokemon Go augmented reality Android game is the Lucky Egg.
No,it’s not an egg that gives you a Dragonite or a Raichu. It is basically a special item that increases the experience points you gain by two folds (you get double the amount of experience points for performing the same regular actions) for a period of 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes are up, you’ll go back to earning regular experience points for regular actions.
Lucky eggs are implausibly effective in raising your trainer level fast.
Lucky Eggs aren’t that hard to find in fact. You can always find some at PokeStops. Niantic Labs, the developers of Pokemon Go augmented reality game, made sure that you could buy these magical eggs with real money as well.
Hence, you can purchase some Lucky Eggs with Pokecoins at any Poke shop.
Now, the most important part to understand about Lucky Eggs is that, the Lucky egg timer continues to run down even after you have closed the Pokemon Go application.
So, in order to fully benefit from these strange eggs, you need to make sure that you use them only when you absolutely know, you’ll be able to spend another 30 minutes playing the game without taking a break.
That way you won’t waste your Lucky Egg.
To gain maximum interest from your Lucky Eggs, it is advised that you never use Lucky Eggs in isolation. Read through the rest of the post and combine several techniques to boost your experience points in order to extract every last bit of experience points from a Lucky Egg.
You need many Pikachu in order to evolve your Pikachu to Raichu
Try to Catch as Many Pokemon as Time Allows
In order to level up quickly, don’t be reluctant to catch as many Pokemon as thinkable. Yes, you read that right. You need to catch Pokemon after Pokemon in order to level up.
If you’re able to catch the same types of Pokemon then that’s okay too since you can always transfer duplicate Pokemon for candies.
A candy, in Pokemon Go, is a very special item that aids you to evolve Pokemon faster.
Don’t Lose Your Initial Pokemon Evolutions
Keep all your initial evolutions. You should be able to manage your Pokemon well by now, so don’t mess up this step.
Never evolve a Pokemon straight away. It is always the better option to wait for the right conditions to evolve a Pokemon in order to maximize experience points amount.
One “right condition” could be when you have your Luck Egg activated.
Remember, when you evolve a Pokemon into a species that you haven’t captured before, you get 100 XP points from evolving a Pokemon and on top of that, 500 XP bonus for New Capture.
To Get More Candy, Transfer Pokemon
There is a guy called Professor Willow in Pokemon Go. Perhaps you have heard of him. It turns out, when you have too much of a Pokemon, you must transfer those to Professor Willow in order to get rewarded with a candy. A Pokemon Go candy that is.
The candy will be only for that specific Pokemon which you have transferred to Professor Willow.
Always take into account the fact that the candy you get rewarded with will always be specific to the earliest evolution of a Pokemon species.
Every Pokemon in Pokemon Go requires a certain amount of candy in order to evolve. But these Pokemon don’t want just another candy. They want the candy that is specific to their species in order to power up.
In other words, you have to match the candy type with Pokemon Type in order to evolve a Pokemon.
Some Pokemon are present in the game for the sole purpose of farming, which allows a faster gain in experience points. Don’t transfer Pokemon that are easy to evolve because they are exactly the Pokemon that you want to farm later to gain experience points.
Always think ahead if you want to exploit your experience points gain from any action.
Don’t Forget Pokemon Eggs
PokeStops are a great place to be in if you’re playing Pokemon Go. PokeStops replenish your Pokeballs and give you a few experience points as well.
But that’s not all. It turns out, PokeStops also give you Pokemon Eggs.
Pokemon Eggs are another one of those special items in Pokemon Go. These eggs have a random Pokemon with a lot of Candy and Stardust inside them.
The Candy and Stardust inside Pokemon Eggs is a bit higher than what you get from catching a Pokemon in the wild.
If you hatch an egg successfully, you get 200 XP. If you hatch a Pokemon that you’ve never caught before then you get another 500 XP boost. Cool right?
Try to Stay Away From Demanding Encounters And Keep a Good Count of Berries
If you really want to level up fast in Pokemon Go, you need to fight other Pokemon. But if you want to optimize your path to a higher trainer level, then you need to manage who you fight.
This means that you need to stay away from encounters that have a red capture ring around them. Also stay away from Pokemon that has “???” CP value.
Both of these scenarios are indicators that the Pokemon you’re about to face is too strong for you. You will have to spend a lot of time in trying to beat a Pokemon with these indicators and frankly, that is just not worth the reward.
You’ll also lose a lot of Pokeballs if you try to take down one of these stronger Pokemon.
Go for encounters that have green or orange capture rings.
Always have a lot of berries at your disposable. Berries are items in Pokemon Go that reduce the difficulty of a particular encounter.
So if you get caught up in a red capture ring encounter, use berries to easily catch the annoying critter.
Try This Neat Trick to Acquire a lot of Experience Points
Without a doubt, if you use any combination of the tactics described above, you’ll level up faster than any of your friends.
But read the next paragraph if you want to know the best combination to gain bonus XP.
You’ll be seeing this screen a lot if you’re trying to level up faster.
You must begin by capturing as many Pokemon as you can and then transfer all extra Pokemon to Professor Willow. Do save a couple of those Pokemon before transferring though.
The Pokemon you should keep a lookout for are Pidgey, Zubat, Caterpie, and Weedle. These are great Pokemon for this method.
These Pokemon also require only 12 candies to evolve while other Pokemon types sometimes require as many as 50 candies to evolve.
After you have these Pokemon prepared for evolution, activate Lure item and find a PokeStop nearby.
Though not required but you’ll maximize your gain from this technique if you’re in a location where there are multiple PokeStops close by.
Then use a Lucky Egg and quickly evolve all your Pokemon at the same time.
If you do this correctly, you’ll gain 1000 XP for every evolution instead of 500 XP regular reward.
After you’ve done that and still have time left on your Lucky Egg timer then catch all the Pokemon that appear near you because of the Lure you activated in earlier steps.
If you try to interact with PokeStops after every five minutes then you can gain supplementary XP and items.
In order to take it up a notch, have your Pokemon eggs on the verge of hatching before you get to a PokeStop. If you do that, you will gain more bonus XP from the Lucky Egg.
Give PokeVision and Poke Radar a Crack
PokeVision and Poke Radar are the best available resources on the internet if you want to discover farming locations in Pokemon Go.
Both services provide GPS maps that tell you the exact location of a particular Pokemon.
Locations shown by these services are updated often so you might be shown an old location of a Pokemon if there is a lag between your game and the app.
If a Pokemon vanishes from the app, it doesn’t mean it’s no longer present in the game.
Although, do try to move quickly to locations pointed out by the application because Pokemon do tend to disappear in a short amount of time. Once you get to these locations, just capture the Pokemon present there.
Niantic has expressed interest in taking down these services, so you better avail them before they are gone.
Have any other techniques you would like to share?
Then use the comments section below to let us know. We’re all ears now.
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