Amazon Echo Dot – Turn it Into Your Ultimate Nightstand Accessory

Published: 6 May 2016Updated: 10 May 2016

When the Amazon Echo Dot launched, it was received with almost universal acclaim. It offers nearly all the same capabilities and functionalities that the larger Echo had but at half the cost. Many even call it the “Alexa for less.” Because the device can be paired with a wired or Bluetooth speaker, users might start thinking that it would be best to place the unit in a den or the living room. These are the places where you would routinely kick back and listen to music. However, there are those that prefer to place it in the bedroom because of certain features. Consider this – it is an alarm clock, a white-noise machine, and a weather forecaster among many others.

Amazon Echo Dot - Turn it Into Your Ultimate Nightstand Accessory

Reasons Why the Amazon Echo Dot Can be Your Perfect Nightstand Accessory

What would you do if you want the Amazon Echo Dot to assist you in drifting into a comfortable sleep? And what better way for the device to do that than to read you a bedtime story? Many of you who are new to the feature will not make use of this functionality right off the bat and would instead make the device relatively play music all day long.

The good news here is that when Amazon created the Echo Dot, the famous e-retailer owns Audible. This means that the device can play any books inside your Audible library. It even comes complete with a sleep timer so it would automatically shut off after a certain amount of time.

But how about if you’re not into books that much but want to listen to podcasts instead? That’s easy as you just have to say something like “Alexa, play the program Battlestar Recaptica.” The Dot can play podcasts found within TuneIn.

Need a more relaxing way to use this particular device from Amazon? How about meditating with it? Assuming that you already have an Amazon Prime subscription, you will find a lot of meditations that you can easily add right into your library. This includes at least one that is designed to assist you in falling asleep. Once you’ve added a meditation into your library, it is now as simple as saying “Alexa, play <meditation>” wherein <meditation> is the title of the audio.

Lastly, and probably the most no-brainer way to use the Amazon Echo Dot as your ultimate nightstand accessory, is for you to set an alarm. Just say, “Alexa, set an alarm for 7 a.m.” and that’s it.


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