You won’t need to choose between a red or a blue pill when you plan on getting the Matrix. It is a compact black disc of just about 4-inches in diameter. It is made to serve the purpose of being the ultimate hub for all of your fancy smart-home products. AdMbilize, the company responsible for this device, says that it will conceal a lot of technology. Similar to that of a smartphone, the list of its internal functionalities will include a camera, speakers and a microphone, and sensors to measure ambient light, humidity, and temperature. There is also a gyroscope, a barometer, and an altimeter.
The Matrix Will be Your Home’s Ultimate Hub
Aside from its many offerings, Matrix will offer methods of wireless communication. These will include Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, CDMA, and even GSM 3G cellular protocols. All of these are being run with a 1GHz quad-core processor from Freescale.
There is a reason for the simple design of The Matrix Hub. The creators have envisioned it to go way beyond your typical smart hub for your home. This is more like a specialized network of sorts. Some say that it is a special router that has a lot of additional features installed into it. According to the company, it is “a hub to end all hubs.”
The company claims that through taking advantage of the device’s software API tools from existing smart home device masters such as Nest and August, AdMobilize’s ultimate hub will be very automated. It will be able to run its own operating system, and will serve as the primary control point for many smart-home tech.
Another thing to consider is that this hub has a robust presence monitoring feature. When the camera is hooked up, it will be able to process live video feeds that will accurately track movement of certain individuals that will be in the view of the camera’s sensors. It is even said that it can be able to track movement from registered vehicles within the hub.
As for this hub’s operating system, it is intended to be completely open source. This means that the company expresses their wish to create its own app store for the device. They also envision a scenario wherein developers are free to write applications for the product.
Matrix is already accepting financial backing over at their Kickstarter page. However, it has a relatively high price even for an early-bird backer fee.