New Metal Gear Survive Gameplay – Zombies and Wormholes?

Published: 20 September 2016Updated: 8 March 2024
Metal Gear Survive 'Creatures'

Unlike zombies, their weak spot isn’t their head, because they ultimately do not have heads.

New Metal Gear Survive gameplay footage was recently shown at TGS 2016 and it contains zombies and wormholes. What’s that all about?

Besides having over 10,000 dislikes on the new gameplay video and a huge disapproval from Kojima himself, I’ve decided to take it upon myself to find out exactly what Metal Gear Survive is all about, as neutrally as possible.

The first thing the world is talking about right now is the inclusion of zombies. Whatever your stance is on zombies, whether you think they’ve been overused in the gaming culture or not, Metal Gear seems like a strange place for them.

Metal Gear is about sci-fi espionage, war, and mechs. Zombies certainly don’t come into it at any point, especially as Hideo Kojima is concerned.

Unfortunately, Kojima, who had the initial spark of light for Metal Gear, is no longer working on the project, so he truly has no say on whether there will be zombies, weird wormholes or even unicorns and magical rainbows in Metal Gear Survive.

What are the Zombies in Metal Gear Survive?

Metal Gear has Boomer Bile Lures

Special tools are available that essentially work like a zombie attraction area of effect. Think of the boomer bile from Left 4 Dead 2.

After watching the Tokyo Game Show footage of Metal Gear Survive, it’s clear that the most common enemy in the game will be the ‘zombies’ everybody has been talking about.

They haven’t been given an official name, besides the word ‘creature,’ which was used to describe them during the gameplay footage.

Unlike zombies, their weak spot isn’t their head, because they ultimately do not have heads. Instead, they have a fleshy growth on their backs, which is essentially the spot players will need to aim for to get a kill.

The zombies are sluggish and slow (but zombie slayers also need sleep like in State of Decay 2!). Without a head, they aren’t going to be able to pick up on much going on around them. This gives players the ability to sneak past them quite easily. Stealth will need to be used to get past them.

Players can work together to dispose of the creatures quietly or divert crowds of creatures with special tools that essentially work like a zombie attraction area of effect. Think of the boomer bile from Left 4 Dead 2.

What is The Backstory in Metal Gear Survive?

Metal Gear Survive Backstory

The Mother Base soldiers must gather materials, build tools, and make use of whatever they can find as they search for a way back to their world.

What we can gather from the new Metal Gear Survive game is that, for some reason, a number of Mother Base soldiers have been ‘transported’ to an alternate world. All sorts of strange creatures have also been transported to the alternate world, too.

The Mother Base soldiers must complete missions and collect resources to attempt to bring their way back home.

Whilst other Metal Gear games have been heavily story-based, it seems as if Metal Gear Survive has been given the most shallow story possible to ensure that Konami can essentially create this ‘survival’ game mode with endless possibilities.

One thing that was said in the Tokyo Game Show footage, which honestly worries me quite a bit is this:

“Other people and objects from various worlds end up here after being transported through wormholes as well.”

That sentence is very vague and could potentially give Konami the power to add anything and everything to this new ‘alternate’ world in the Metal Gear universe. Perhaps the Metal Gear ‘zombies’ really will only be the beginning.

What is the Gameplay Like?

Metal Gear vs The Division

I am seeing a lot of similarities between Metal Gear Survive and The Division at this point.

Let’s just forget about the Metal Gear universe for a second. Let’s forget about the weird backstory and instead let’s focus on what gameplay could be like.

Combining the stealth elements from any Metal Gear Solid game with some survival elements in a potentially open world co-op game could have a lot of potential.

The opening mission for Metal Gear Survive’s new gameplay footage shows a group of four players split into two groups. Their objective is to collect resources so that they can set up a transmitter.

The transmitter will send out a beacon, or some kind of distress signal at a powerful wormhole site.

As gameplay footage unfolds, two things are very clear. Firstly, for the most part, the creatures won’t provide much of a threat outside of special objective-based areas.

Secondly, players will be able to pick up different supplies on a regular basis – these supplies could include basic resources such as ammunition or rations for increasing health, they could also include crafting supplies to build items or improve equipment stats or they could include objective-based items that are needed to complete missions.

At the end of the mission shown in the gameplay footage, a large horde of creatures is shown attacking the transmitter and players must work together to defend it.

A lot of speculation can be made at this point but it seems like Metal Gear Survive will essentially be an open world game with a heavy focus on player progression – like finding higher leveled equipment and improving individual stats, will probably play a big part in it all.

The objectives and missions will essentially act as instances where players can meet up and work together for better rewards.

Metal Gear Survive Hordes

A large horde of creatures is shown attacking the transmitter and players must work together to defend it.

Honestly, I am seeing a lot of similarities between Metal Gear Survive and The Division at this point. Quite frankly, the game could have some potential, but there’s a lot the Konami team could do wrong to turn it into a complete failure.

Overcoming cheaters, overall balancing and building a lasting gameplay experience  for something like this is hard to master. Ubisoft’s poor work on The Division is testament to that.



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