Apple Watch Beats All Competitors in Smartwatch Market

Published: 10 June 2015

Apple Watch Beats All Competitors in Smartwatch Market

The stainless-steel Apple Watch ranked higher than 11 other smartwatches in a few tests by Consumer Reports determining durability, health functionality, simplicity of good use, simplicity of connection, and visibility in bright light.

Twitter and Kids Weigh In on the Apple Watch

Overall, professional reviews of the Apple Watch lean toward the good. But what do regular users think? A company  called CrowdFlower analyzed  a lot more than 30,000 individual tweets on Twitter to fi nd out. And a delightful video gives  the charming reaction of 11  kids whom are introduced towards the Apple Watch.

Video Compares Rumored iPad Pro to iPad Air

It’s rumored that Apple will be developing with a 12.9inch iPad called the iPad Pro.  Alleged specs have been leaked and manufacturers are apparently already making cases for the more expensive iPad. This  video gives a definite picture of how large the rumored iPad Pro  would be.


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